The Monticello Association was founded in 1913 to care for, preserve, and continue the family graveyard at Monticello. It is a non-profit organization whose members include the lineal descendants of Thomas Jefferson.
The Monticello Association’s purposes are stated in Article II of its Constitution. Somewhat abbreviated, they are: (i) to preserve and care for the graves and grounds of the Monticello graveyard, (ii) to protect and perpetuate the reputation and fame of Thomas Jefferson, and (iii) to encourage association and friendship among Mr. Jefferson’s descendants.
In his will, Jefferson conveyed the graveyard to Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., his daughter Martha’s husband, and then in trust to Martha. He named his eldest grandson, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, as his executor. The original section of the graveyard was given to T.J. Randolph’s descendants under a restrictive covenant deed and will, and a subsequent section given to all of the lineal descendants of Thomas Jefferson under a restrictive covenant deed.
Thus from its inception, the graveyard has been available to all lineal descendants of Thomas Jefferson and has been managed and cared for by The Monticello Association as a single unit. Burials in the Monticello graveyard continue to this day.